Heatley Secondary College needs to have strong parent engagement to help us create the best possible learning environment. Our P&C is the best conduit of information and ideas to the College and we encourage all parents and carers to be involved. The more parents and carers are involved, the more they find out about what goes on in the College and they also get a chance to be a part of the College improvement strategy.
P&C Meetings are held on the second Wednesday evening of each month at 6.30pm in the Administration Block Conference Room. Everyone is welcome!
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in March and includes the election of the Executive Committee for the following year. In 2024, the Executive consists of:
President - Anne Schleibs
Vice President - Demi Warria
Secretary - Chantelle Dorward
The P&C Executive Committee invites you to get involved by attending P&C meetings and to also contact them if you have questions - email pandc@heatleysc.eq.edu.au